Friday, October 19, 2012

Silent Hill 2 Fan Film

Some of you may or may not know, but I am a very huge Silent Hill fan, and I love seeing different fan projects on the Silent Hill Franchises. I stumbled upon a fan man Silent Hill 2 movie called Silnet Hill Anniversery.

I guess I am very ranty person, as I found a lot of issues with the film (which mind you I guess is a student film, not a big Hollywood thing.... dear god i hope not.) Most of the issues I have with the film are mainly cosmetics, but I think ill list them in a long pointless TL;DR format :)

Mary(Film or F for short) has a very modern day young 20 year old look, which Im not saying Silent Hill 2 wasn't modern (well it was 90s modern I guess.) But Mary(SH2) has a look that is almost the total opposite of what is shown. I mean, yeah like i said, james doesnt match up either, but his personality isnt portraied really any different (At least from my POV.) He looks like he can be any guy, with any job,. any background. When I look at Mary(F) I just see a young 20 year old/borderline teenager, with a nose piercing and Jeans. Mary (SH2) is more of an old time girl, with a floral dress and a blouse. If anything, I think there choice in Mary would have dont okay for a modern Maria (Who was Mary's opposite almost, more outragiously dressed, and flirtatious.)

(Mary(SH2) on the Left, Maria(SH2) on the right.)

Another issue I had, which oddly enough is another actor choice, is the nurses, Real and enemy related. First Ill start with the real nurse, who you only see for like 5 seconds (but i like to complain about nonsense bullshit, so Ill continue.) She is dressed like an old timy nurse, or in an outfit you would find at a Halloween shop, yet she also has this weird teenager/young adult look that almost every female in this movie has. I get that it was made by a group of idk, film students? But seriously, all these woman are just a huge turnoff from the type of characters they are portraying. I think it just bothers me more then it should, just because I see a lot of hipsters portrayals or teenagers in the SH Hill franchise, wether it be fan movies on silent hill, or the comics, or anything. I am totally not saying HYPSTERS CANT LIKE SILENT HILL or anything, I dunno even know what I am saying I guess. But I just like portrayals sticking wither everything around them. If your going to play a character in who projects herself as a polite, dignified woman, who dresses appropriately, then match that. As for the Enemy nurses, this one IS just nitpicking, and really can't be 100% to blame for the crew. I am sick and tired of seeing "half-ass" costumes for nurses. Just wrapping gauge around your face and putting on a slutty nurse outfit doesnt equal a monster. I think to most people in the Silent Hill fanbase these days belive it does. Look, I know the nurses in SH2 prettymuch look as what I just describe, but at least make the skin more pale and semi-bloated or dirtyed, cover all there face, including the hair, make there outfit BARLY white, not just a white dress with blood blotches, no i mean get a outfit, get it as dirty as possible, let it sit out in the sun for a month, lightly wash it, and make sure it looks yellowed. I swear, ever since Homecoming came out (which btw I do love), everyone thinks Nurses gotta be sexy sexy, and have almost no differences from a human nurse besides gauze.

Now as far as the story goes... I gotta say, I got REALLY thrown off with the film. The direct the film took felt liek it was everywhere. I can understand not sticking 100% to the game, much like how the Silent Hill Movies (Hollywood ones) change a lot of things up with switching around characters, adding more to the plot, and taking out part of the plot. But this film just seemed like it wanted to add only the scenes it thought were the most memorable. It had no other characters, which I guess is kinda hard to say THIS IS SILENT HILL 2 when you only have 2 Silent Hill 2 characters out of a cast of 15 (a main cast of 6-7 though.) You can lie to me and say this is any other film, just change the names to Mike and Alexis, and I wouldn't never guess it was Silent Hill. The only scenes I really think say "Silent Hill Movie" are the Pyramid head scene, and the usless scene with Cybil Benette (which really, why is she in this movie again?) The ending felt empty as well, if this was the game, you went from Boss 1 all the way to Spoiler before the Final boss. Like, there was no explanation as to why there are monsters in Silent Hill, or even anything about Jame's "guilt". All I get from this film is A man named James wife passed away 3 years ago, he drives and ends up in an accident. He walks to Silent Hill, no one is there, a few monsters, u find out he killed his wife. The end. What the hell is that? Opposed to Finding out Monsters are a manifestation of Guilt in the town of Silent Hill, other people are there as well because of guilt, seeing other things such as fire or bodys on meat hooks. I felt nothing pycological from this film, and really, that's what Silent Hill comes down to, Physiological Horror (and a few oogy boogys mixed in.).

Though, minus all that nit-picking that's really just all opinions, I really did like alot of scenes. The transition effect from the Other world and such was really nice. I don't think it seemed very SH2, but regardless, it was really nice, especially seeing monsters vanish such as Pyramid Head. I think really the Effects and the lead actor were all I liked. He actually looks like he belongs in a horror movie, so I think thats why I was okay with him as James. A lot of the fog scenes were kinda cheesy, mainly because a lot of obvious green screen effects, It kinda wasn't bad though, only because it reminded me of the games graphics from you know, 2001, on an old clunky ps2.

Okay rants over skdfjal Sorry about that, I just get verbal about shit (You all know that I never shut up anyways.)

Achepello Θ

Okay so I havent updated in a week or so, but in defense, My computer is still kinda shit. Like... rreallllyyyy shitty. Anyways I decided to draw out something i sketched. So like, when I drew this, it took more time thinking of a pose then it did for anything else :))) Anyways here u go

Uh I personally do not like the cloth that's all green blue, mainly because the character already has green hair, so it kinda makes it look more like hair when its not hair. Its actually supposed to be around the same color as the Tan/Bone colored things, but i was actually really tired, so i just said "Fudge it!" and called it a day. Anyways uh, its Haku (again) cause as you should know by now, I only draw the same character over and over again, thats how original I am :)

Yep I used uh Sai btw in case anyone was interested. Just sai for maybe 2 hours total?

Friday, October 5, 2012


So uh okay here is a doodle I did today! I haven't really bee Doodle/Drawing crazy lately, because of work and school. (Example, I am at school today from 9:00~14:45, It takes me an hour to get here, so Id be home around 15:45. I go to work at 17:00~22:00 (in short, 9 till 10 i wont get to do much.) I also have school at ANOTHER long drive at ANOTHER school tomorrow morning. heheh Anyways so while in class, I doodled this picture.

I love to draw Pokemon as Humans, and I love shiny pokemon a lot as well! Soooooo, I did an Emolga for once (If it isn't a Pink shiny, then i like light brown or lime green. something delicious colored!) For refrences, this is what a Shiny emolga looks like.
 I at least got the color range kinda right. I think I should have added a bit more, maybe like uh ear muffs or something for the ear area. I did add some light orange blush for the cheeks though, so I at least remembered that! I actually draw Human forms more then I do normal Pokemon, I have plenty, I just never upload them ahahaha Dunno why. Anyways yep... nothing really to say here..

Friday, September 28, 2012


Uh, we can post the assignment here, correct? I REALLY do not want to post other people's work on my blog ( I feel really uncomfortable doing that.)

I choose to talk about my best friends art, because really, I LOVE her stuff, and even though she is younger then me, I thrive to get to her level! I plan to just pick out 3 of the newer works she has done. I actually keep a folder of her work on my computer with everything she has done for the past 4 years or so (which is why i said ill pick more recent works!)

Picture 1
What I really love about this picture is she uses a lot of bright colors. Its just a simple drawing, showing what items are in her character's bag, but everything from the style to the outfit and items themselves, it just fits very well together. Now, I guess an issue that can be scene with this drawing is that it is kind of simple (You know, no dynamic poses, or backgrounds.), but i don't think this image really needs that type of stuff. I think, if it didn't have everything on the right there, then it would look really nice with a background and setting though.

Picture 2
This picture probably works better on here then the first one, as it has a background/setting and a bit more going on all together. I really love the details she added to this picture, especially in the smaller areas (Such as the lite up posters on the side and the stairs and elevator in the back.) The perspective of this looks really neat as well, I think it must have been hard to do, even with a photo as a reference (Though I don't think she used a reference, but if she did i doubt it was exactly like this.) The only thing I think she really could have worked on is the line work. While I do love her style and sketching look to her pictures, some of the lines are really just lopsided for my taste (the pillars are an example.)

Picture 3
This picture is one of my favorite styles she draws in. She uses a photo that she has taken, draws over it, then retakes the picture with her camera on her computer, making everything blend well together. I actually have a post card she did of one of these pictures, it really fits well with card themes I think. I love that she uses simplistic cartoon characters as well, instead of  overly detailed characters. The photos she uses are very empty, as in they have no people or over clustered items, but yet they fill in her picture a lot! Its really just perfect.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Doodly Doodly Doodly Doo

Just gonna drop off 3 pictures I doodled the past week. I haven't really done much for once, I think its mainly because of work kicking me in the teeth.

First one up is a nice little picture of Hanako. I think I have posted her on here before? Maybe not. She isnt one of my most clean characters, and I think I like to draw her with blood a lot (Not because she is violent, but because its simple to mask mistakes ahahaha.) Anyways, I did this in pen uh.. thats about it. Don't you love how sloppy my Japanese is? I can do decent Thai, but everything else I touch turns to gloop.

These two look a bit plan... and they kinda are. I did them on my 3Ds screen though, which is pretty tiny and CONVENIENTLY enough, never 100% aligned correctly with my 3Ds pen. I don't think the collaboration is off.. I actually think its just the program, since it seems that I only have problems with just the program. Anyways, I did the top one (who is supposed to be Ao from Eureka Seven) while falling half asleep on my bed. It explains why his eyes look kinda weird and alien like ahaha. He doesn't really look 100% like the character Ao, but I kinda just went off by memory.

The second one is Hakunio, because seriously I think I draw him more then anyone else. I don't think I have really posted him on here with long hair (which is odd, because that's how he usually has his hair.. long that is.) Uh.. his hair is kinda funky, I tend to draw hair up in some random ass style when I feel like nothing is going right for the picture. His outfit looks odder then usual, but its kinda going through that 3 transition of Revamp.

Yeah.. pretty boring and slow post. I think I am kinda rushing it because at work like all day and I am exhausted... so Night. Oh btw, click the last two pictures above to see the animation on how I draw them (if you want, it will take you to another site though.)

Monday, September 10, 2012


I FINALLY FINISHED MY PROJECT! Gosh, it took 3 nights, longest I have spent on an art project. My right hand has this horrible sore on it now from holding those markers. I have a love/hate relationship with this one. Mainly the glaring errors I see on here. Most of it is "should have been white" or "line is missing" but besides that, its all good IMO.

I choose to do Hanako for this picture. Let me just clarify what the heck I drew here. Hanako is a witch, and in her world, witches are naturally violent creatures. The reason her left eye is droopy is because she has a human skull she can use as a weapon (skull is more like a floating orb thing) When she uses it, her eye becomes like that, all droopy. Her tongue is jagged because witches tend to have sharper teeth and tongues. The reason her arm is liek that, I actually can't say. There are things in her universe that disguise themselves as humans, but are monstrous looking in there normal flesh, and a few of them has arms like that, but Hanako isn't one of them. Anyways, I think thats all I can really explain about this picture hehe, everything else is just for fun I guess. Oh the eye on the left hand corner, that seems to be split weird, that's actually an eye a different character i have named Esfir has (Esfir is from a Horror video game I have been making on my computer for a while, since I feel like putting something nicer on here, here is what he/she looks like)

hehe Actually now that I think about it, they do kinda look the same? Though, Esfir has a more messed up face then body (well body isn't even shown, ans neither is Hanako's, who frankly has a normal body thank you!) Anyways, I think a lot of the things that are going on in the picture with Hanako probably would suit Esfir better. But I choose to draw Hanko instead, since I haven't done much of her in the past few months. (Although, the series Esfir is from has a Protagonist from another installment named Shannon, who wears a lot of black and white stripes.. so maybe it would have been better to pick someone from there series.)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

REBD or is it like RED with a silent B in the middle?

Alright, so I did 2/3 of my homework. I better finish this project up soon, I still have 1 more to do and its due tomorrow (as in Tuesday not Monday). I would have started on the last piece, but im debating what I am going to do. Should I do another YGO themed one? Or something else? I think I might so something els,e something more dark and guro like, since thats how I roooollllllll. BUT short amount of time, and lack of creativity.

Anyways, so this is the White on Black piece I did. YES I used to different markers, its not that noticeable, but it was in the right light, thats for sure. Its kind of hard to see what the heck is going on, and I think that is its biggest downfall, but considering the topic, I like it at the same time. I couldn't make it that defined, because it kinda takes the whole "White on Black" thing and shoves it down someones throat. So yeah, squint your eyes and you might see some of the outlines I used, since i had to sketch out the monster before I did the coloring. ANYWAYS, the monster I did this time was Red Eyes Black Dragon, aka the total OPPOSITE of Blue Eyes White Dragon (I hope you see where I am going with this.) See, one dragon is BLACK.. the other is WHITE. Its like YIN YANG, LEFT RIGHT, MUSTARD KETCHUP. Its opposites, so that's why I choose REBD.

Actually, now that I think of it, since I did total opposites, I dont think I should do another YGO card as my final piece, cause that kinda kills it. I was going to do one of my favorite monsters, like Bickuribox or Evolzar Dolkka, but yeah they don't even FIT in the same CATAGORY as these two. I was thinking Black Magician, but again, just doesn't work. So ill do something totally unrelated!